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How Companies Are Using Artificial Intelligence(AI)?

Look at how AI companies are using AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is boosting productivity and business efficiency by automating procedures. Artificial intelligence can understand data on a level that no human has ever been able to. This skill has the potential to provide significant business benefits. Every field fashion, business, banking, travelling and big data companies may benefit from AI. Artificial Intelligence is the leading technology that may help almost every company in their productivity.

Let’s see why and how companies are using AI to increase their productivity?

Why Do Companies Use AI?

Better Personalization:

Everyone wants to be seen as a person, a person with different characteristics, desires, needs, and experiences. We all rejoice when someone remembers our name, accomplishments, and choices. Consumers feel the same way, and they appreciate it when a business sees them and cares for them. The key to creating a great advertising campaign is to provide a personal experience. Customers are more likely to work with related marketing strategies. Because AI is integrated with the commercial sector, it is growing. Custom headline messages are often received by customers and clients alike. A tailored message combined with product advertising allows the company to connect the consumer to a previous encounter.

AI has also been used to develop interactive chatbots that can enhance the customers experience on a website. Chatbots are useful for providing immediate assistance when customers cannot locate something on the website, or if they have any questions about the business or service.

Personalization is a good option for marketing. AI can help for creating a positive, personalize journey for their customer’s experience. Therefore, companies are using AI.

Improve User Experience:

Improve user experience
Improve user experience

User experience was always a problem for big giant companies but now AI had resolved it a lot.

It has been shown that balancing demand for higher sales and conversion rates is also a challenge for companies. When you develop UX, you create the most desirable place for customers to engage with your product. When you improve user experience, you reduce the conflict between your website and your target audience. By creating UX-based functionality, Artificial Intelligence can be used to better feel the user.

Reduction of Human error:

Organizations can expect error reduction and strong adherence to established standards when they add AI technology to processes. When AI and machine learning are combined with RPA-like technology, which performs repetitive tasks, based on rules, the combination not only accelerates processes and minimizes errors but can also be trained to develop and perform more comprehensive tasks.

The use of AI in financial reconciliation, for example, will bring about flawless results and that same reconciliation when handled, or in part, by human employees is prone to mistakes. “Can you maintain the best quality with AI? Yes, you can,” Bhattacharyya said.

Utilizing the best Potential Channels:

Artificial intelligence can open up new marketing channels for businesses. The use of AI resources in expanding digital marketing channels. Businesses have the opportunity to use AI-enabled technology to automatically identify channels with the best chance of success.

AI can help:

  • What to do?
  • How to do?
  • User data
  • Leading opportunities
  • Work autonomously

Valuable Data Insights:

Many big giant companies like Facebook, Amazon etc. are dealing with a big amount of important data on their customers and trade. This data is gathered on the basis of the user’s interests.

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to:

  1. Predict trends
  2. User engagements
  3. Customers interests
  4. Identify issues before happens
  5. Identify new opportunities

Read more: Top 6 benefits of Artificial Intelligence Marketing

Top Companies using AI

Alphabet (Google)

Alphabet, a parent company of Google, is a good example of a large company – worth about $ 1.7 trillion – using AI every day to improve its performance and profitability. Voice search, the price of digital ads, email spam filters and relevant search results all use in-depth customizable tools and in-depth learning strategies to drive the world’s most important search engine.

A leading self-driving car operator since launching its efforts in 2009, the Alphabet-owned Waymo is worth more than $ 30 billion. Google’s leadership in quantum computers, which could replace traditional computers and dramatically accelerate technological advances in the future.


Apple is a global technology company that sells consumer goods such as iPhones and Apple Watches, as well as computer software and online services. Apple uses machine learning and artificial intelligence on devices such as the iPhone, where the Face ID feature is enabled, as well as smart-watches for Apple Watch, Air Pods and Home Pod, where Siri is enabled. Apple also expanded its offering of services, using AI to promote music in Apple Music, help you find photos on iCloud, and use Maps to get to your next appointment.

Apple in Ai
Apple in Ai

Now Apple is taking its next step into driverless cars. Tesla is already in this race, and they have launched many driverless cars. That is why it’s going to be very interesting in future.

Both companies are using Artificial Intelligence in their software to make it more efficient and productive.

Baidu (Search Engine)

Baidu is a search engine of China, uses artificial intelligence in a variety of ways. It is similar to google but it searches results according to the Chinese regulations. It uses Deep Voice, a system that uses machine learning and deep learning to repeat a voice, requires only 3.7 seconds of audio. They used the same process to create a program that reads books with you in the author’s voice, which is completely automated and without the need for a recording studio.


Alibaba is the largest e-commerce platform in the world, selling more than Amazon and eBay altogether. Artificial intelligence (AI) is used to predict what customers would like to buy from Alibaba’s day-to-day operations.

The firm uses natural language processing to generate product descriptions. Alibaba’s City Brain program, which aims to build smart cities, is another example of practical artificial intelligence. By tracking every vehicle in the city, the initiative uses AI techniques to help ease traffic congestion.


Netflix is also a very big company that is using Artificial intelligence. It is an entertaining movie and shows platform. The Netflix recommendation system works algorithm-based, but the main feature that increases the compliance of these recommendations is due to machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The algorithm reads as data is collected. Therefore, the more time you spend on Netflix, the more relevant programs will be recommended.

Netflix Use Ai
Netflix Use Ai


IBM has been at the bleeding edge of Artificial intelligence (AI) for quite a long time. It has been more than 20 years since IBM’s Deep Blue computer became the first to win a world chess champion. The company has tracked that and other mechanical competitions, including its computer-generated Watson winning the Jeopardy game. The latest achievement of IBM installation innovation by Project Debater. This AI is a competitive computer engine that competes with two expert opponents and creates human-like arguments.


Amazon is not the only spy game developed by the digital voice assistant, Alexa, but artificial intelligence is part of many aspects of its business. One new way for Amazon is to use artificial intelligence to send items to you before you even consider buying them.

They collect a lot of data about individual purchasing habits and have such confidence in how the data they collect helps them to recommend things to their customers and now predicts what they need even before they need it using guessing statistics.

At a time when many brick-and-mortar stores are struggling to figure out how to stay fit, America’s largest e-tailer offers a new simple store concept called Amazon Go. Unlike other stores, no exit is required. Stores have automated technology that tracks what you pick up and automatically charges those items through the Amazon Go app on your phone. Since there is no money to go out, you bring your bags to fill things up, and there are sensors that detect everything you do to identify everything you put in your bag so they can eventually charge you for it. Amazon Go is a futuristic store having incorporated AI.


Facebook is a billion dollars company that uses AI. One of the most common uses of artificial intelligence and machine learning on Facebook is to provide a structure for informal information. They use DeepText, an engine that understands text automatically analyzes and interprets the information and emotional feelings of thousands of posters (in many languages) that are published every second by their users.

Facebook in AI
Facebook in AI

The social behemoth uses DeepFace to automatically recognize you from an image posted on its site. Moreover, this technology is so effective at facial recognition that it surpasses humans. Artificial intelligence is also used by the company to find and delete images posted on its platform such as revenge porn.


Chinese telecommunications company Tencent has incorporated artificial intelligence into its operations in its efforts to become the “most respected online business,” Tencent relied on artificial intelligence. It has 1 billion users in its WeChat system but has expanded its reach to gaming, digital assistants, mobile payments, live streaming cloud storage, sports movies, education, and self-driving cars.

One of the company’s slogans is “AI in everything and it is future.” Tencent gains a lot of information and understanding from its customers that it processes and adds value to the company.


Tesla is also a leading company that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) in its autonomous cars.

Tesla being a technology pioneer has become a world name for electric cars. The use of the latest Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has created curiosity among car enthusiasts. Tesla used customer analytics data sets to predict and collect data on customer needs and used it to improve the features of its vehicles. The current AI technology used by Tesla in its vehicles is based on machine learning algorithms.


The company’s performance is improving because of AI-enabled solutions. Artificial intelligence is important in all aspects, whether business marketing or data analytics. While powerful artificial intelligence may seem daunting at first, it is an easy-to-use technology to integrate with current systems. In various industries, many retailers are reaping the benefits of AI-approved products. AI can expose real-time data, empowering new strategies, and skills to improve overall organizational growth.

Noor Ahmad Haral

Passionate Machine Learning Engineer interested in Tech innovations, GPT, Blogging and writing almost everything.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Qamar Ul Islam

    You can use a plugin lazy load images to show loading images while the website is loading also use alt text on images it improves ux.

    1. Noor Ahmad Haral

      Am already using lazy load but thanks dear.
      I will check once again.
      Thank you sir 😊

  2. Sam

    Nice bro, I really liked the article and learned from it. Appreciative.

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