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Blender python tutorial for absolute beginners

Blender python tutorial for beginners

Welcome to our Blender Python tutorial for beginners! In this tutorial, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use Python in Blender to create custom scripts and add-ons. We will cover everything you need to know, from setting up a Python environment in Blender to debugging and troubleshooting your scripts.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Blender user, this tutorial will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to start using Python in Blender. We will start by introducing you to the Blender Python API and showing you how to access and manipulate objects in the scene. From there, we will teach you how to create custom scripts and add-ons using Python, and how to debug and troubleshoot your scripts if you encounter any issues.

Finally, we will explore some advanced techniques for using Python in Blender, including data visualization and animation. By the end of this tutorial, you should have a solid foundation for using Python in Blender and be able to create your own custom scripts and add-ons. So let’s get started!

  1. Introduction to Blender and Python
  2. Setting up a Python environment in Blender
  3. Basic Python syntax and concepts for Blender
  4. Using the Blender Python API to access and manipulate objects in the scene
  5. Creating custom scripts and add-ons using Python in Blender
  6. Debugging and troubleshooting Python scripts in Blender
  7. Advanced techniques for using Python in Blender

Introduction to Blender and Python


Welcome to the “Blender Python Tutorial for Beginners”! In this tutorial, we will be introducing you to the powerful combination of Blender and Python, and showing you how to use these two tools together to create amazing 3D graphics and animations.

Blender is a free and open-source 3D creation suite that allows users to design, model, and animate 3D objects and scenes. It is widely used in the film, television, and video game industries, and is a powerful tool for creating professional-quality 3D graphics.

Python is a popular programming language that is widely used in a variety of fields, including web development, data analysis, and scientific computing. It is known for its simplicity, readability, and flexibility, making it a great choice for beginners and experienced programmers alike.

Read More: 6 Python projects for beginners

In this tutorial, we will be using Python to create custom scripts and add-ons for Blender. By learning how to use Python in Blender, you will be able to automate and streamline your workflow and create more complex and sophisticated 3D graphics and animations.

Getting Started

Before we get started with the tutorial, there are a few things you will need to do to set up your environment.

First, you will need to download and install Blender from the official website ( Blender is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, so you should be able to install it on whatever system you are using.

Once you have Blender installed, you will need to enable the Python console. To do this, go to the “Window” menu and select “Toggle System Console.” This will open up a Python console window at the bottom of the screen.

Next, you will need to set up a Python development environment. This can be as simple as using a text editor (such as Notepad or TextEdit) to write your Python scripts, or you can use a more advanced development environment like PyCharm or Eclipse.

Whichever method you choose, make sure you have a way to save and run your Python scripts. In the rest of this tutorial, we will assume that you are using a text editor to write and run your scripts.

Introduction to Python

Before we dive into using Python in Blender, it’s important to have a basic understanding of the Python language itself. Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is known for its simplicity and readability. It is often used as a first programming language for beginners because of its ease of use and a large community of users and developers.

In Python, we use variables to store data and perform operations on that data. For example, we can create a variable called “x” and assign it the value of 5:

x = 5

We can then perform operations on this variable, such as adding or multiplying it:

y = x + 2
z = x * 3

Python also has a wide range of built-in data types, including integers, floating point numbers, strings, and lists. For example:

x = 5 # an integer
y = 3.14 # a floating point number
z = “Hello, World!” # a string
a = [1, 2, 3, 4] # a list

Finally, Python has a number of control structures that allow us to perform different actions based on certain conditions. For example, we can use an “if” statement to test whether a certain condition is true:

if x > 5:
print(“x is greater than 5”)
print(“x is not greater than 5”)

Setting up a Python Environment in Blender

Now that we have a basic understanding of Python and how it works, we can start using it in Blender. The first thing we need to do is set up a Python environment within Blender so that we can write and run our Python scripts.

Enabling the Python Console

As we mentioned in the previous chapter, the first step in setting up a Python environment in Blender is to enable the Python console. To do this, go to the “Window” menu and select “Toggle System Console.” This will open up a Python console window at the bottom of the screen.

Using the Python Console

The Python console is a powerful tool that allows you to execute Python commands and scripts directly within Blender. It is a great way to quickly test out small snippets of code and see how they work.

To use the Python console, simply type in a Python command and press “Enter” to execute it. For example, you can print out a message by typing “print(‘Hello, World!’)” and press “Enter.”

You can also define variables and perform operations on them in the Python console. For example:

x = 5
y = x + 2

This will print out the value of “y,” which is 7.

Using External Scripts

While the Python console is a useful tool, it has some limitations. For example, you cannot save the scripts that you write in the console, so you have to re-type them every time you want to run them.

To get around this limitation, you can use external Python scripts. These are simply Python files that are saved on your computer and can be imported into Blender and run as needed.

To create an external Python script, simply create a new text file and save it with a “.py” extension. For example, you could create a file called “” and save it on your computer.

To run an external Python script in Blender, you can use the “exec” function. For example:

import bpy

def run_script():
print(“Hello, World!”)

exec(compile(open(‘/path/to/’).read(), ‘’, ‘exec’))

This will run the “run_script” function in the “” file. You can also use the “bpy.ops.script.python_file_run” operator to run a Python script from within Blender.

Creating Custom Add-Ons

In addition to running external Python scripts, you can also create custom add-ons for Blender using Python. These are essentially Python scripts that are bundled together and installed as a single unit, allowing you to easily extend the functionality of Blender.

To create a custom add-on, you will need to create a new Python script and save it with a “.py” file extension. You will then need to create a “blender” folder inside the “scripts” folder in your Blender installation directory, and save the script inside that folder.

Next, you will need to add a few lines of code to the beginning of your script to tell Blender that it is an add-on. For example:

bl_info = {
“name”: “My Add-On”,
“author”: “John Doe”,
“version”: (1, 0, 0),
“blender”: (2, 80, 0),
“location”: “View3D

Using the Blender Python API

Once you have set up a Python environment in Blender, you can start using the Blender Python API to access and manipulate objects in the scene. The Blender Python API is a set of functions and classes that allow you to programmatically control Blender and create custom scripts and add-ons.

Accessing Objects in the Scene

To access objects in the scene, you can use the “” collection. This collection contains all of the objects in the scene, including meshes, curves, lamps, cameras, and more.

To access a specific object, you can use its name. For example:

import bpy

obj =[‘Cube’]

This will assign the “Cube” object to the “obj” variable. You can then use the “obj” variable to access and manipulate the object.

Modifying Object Properties

Once you have accessed an object, you can modify its properties using the attributes of the object. For example, you can change the location of an object by modifying its “location” attribute:

import bpy

obj =[‘Cube’] obj.location = (1, 2, 3)

This will move the “Cube” object to the position (1, 2, 3) in the scene.

You can also modify other properties of the object, such as its rotation, scale, and material properties. For example:

import bpy

obj =[‘Cube’] obj.rotation_euler = (1, 0, 0)
obj.scale = (2, 2, 2)

This will rotate the “Cube” object around the x-axis and double its size.

Creating and Deleting Objects

In addition to modifying existing objects, you can also use the Blender Python API to create and delete objects in the scene.

To create a new object, you can use the “bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add” operator:

import bpy


This will create a new cube object in the scene. You can also use other operators to create other types of objects, such as spheres, cylinders, and planes.

To delete an object, you can use the “” function:

import bpy

obj =[‘Cube’]

This will delete the “Cube” object from the scene.


In this chapter, we learned how to use the Blender Python API to access and manipulate objects in the scene. By using the API, you can programmatically control Blender and create custom scripts and add-ons that automate and streamline your workflow. In the next chapter, we will learn how to create custom scripts and add-ons using Python in Blender.

Creating Custom Scripts and Add-Ons Using Python in Blender

Now that we have learned how to use the Blender Python API to access and manipulate objects in the scene, we can start creating custom scripts and add-ons using Python in Blender.

Custom Scripts

Custom scripts are essentially standalone Python scripts that can be run from within Blender to perform a specific task. They are a great way to automate and streamline your workflow by performing repetitive tasks or tasks that would be difficult to do manually.

To create a custom script, you will need to create a new Python script and save it with a “.py” file extension. You can then use the Blender Python API to access and manipulate objects in the scene, as well as perform other tasks such as rendering and exporting.

For example, you could create a script that creates a series of cubes and arranges them in a grid:

import bpy

for i in range(10):
for j in range(10):
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(location=(i, j, 0))

This script will create a grid of 100 cubes in the scene.

Custom Add-Ons

Custom add-ons are essentially collections of Python scripts that are bundled together and installed as a single unit. They allow you to extend the functionality of Blender and provide a convenient way to access and run your custom scripts.

To create a custom add-on, you will need to create a new Python script and save it with a “.py” file extension. You will then need to create a “blender” folder inside the “scripts” folder in your Blender installation directory, and save the script inside that folder.

Next, you will need to add a few lines of code to the beginning of your script to tell Blender that it is an add-on. For example:

bl_info = {
“name”: “My Add-On”,
“author”: “John Doe”,
“version”: (1, 0, 0),
“blender”: (2, 80, 0),
“location”: “View3D”,
“description”: “This is a custom add-on.”,
“warning”: “”,
“wiki_url”: “”,
“category”: “Object”

import bpy

class MyAddOnOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = “object.my_add_on_operator”
bl_label = “My Add-On Operator”

def execute(self, context):
return {‘FINISHED’}

def register():

def unregister():

if name == “main”:

This add-on will create a new operator called “My Add-On Operator” that adds a cube to the scene when it is run.

Installing and Enabling Add-Ons

Once you have created a custom add-on, you will need to install and enable it in Blender. To do this, go to the “Edit” menu and select “Preferences.” Then, go to the “Add-Ons” tab and click on the “Install” button. Navigate to the location of your add-on should now appear in the list of available add-ons. To enable it, simply click the checkbox next to its name. Once the add-on is enabled, it will be available for use in Blender.

Using Custom Add-Ons

To use your custom add-on, you will need to access it from the appropriate menu or panel in Blender. For example, if your add-on creates a new operator, you can access it from the “3D View” menu in the “Tools” panel. If your add-on creates a new panel, you can access it from the “Properties” panel.

Once you have accessed your add-on, you can use it to perform the tasks that it was designed to do. For example, if your add-on creates a new operator that adds a cube to the scene, you can simply click the operator button to add a new cube.


In this chapter, we learned how to create custom scripts and add-ons using Python in Blender. By using these tools, you can automate and streamline your workflow and create more complex and sophisticated 3D graphics and animations. In the next chapter, we will learn how to debug and troubleshoot Python scripts in Blender.

Debugging and Troubleshooting Python Scripts in Blender

As with any programming language, it is common to encounter bugs and errors when writing Python scripts for Blender. In this chapter, we will learn how to debug and troubleshoot these issues to ensure that our scripts are running smoothly.

Debugging Techniques

There are several techniques that you can use to debug your Python scripts in Blender:

  • Print Statements: One of the simplest ways to debug your scripts is to use print statements. By printing out the values of variables or the results of calculations, you can get a better understanding of what is happening in your script and identify any issues.
  • Debugging Operators: Blender includes several built-in debugging operators that can help you troubleshoot your scripts. For example, the “bpy.ops.debug.pdb” operator allows you to enter the Python debugger, which allows you to step through your script line by line and inspect the values of variables.
  • Debugging Add-Ons: If you are creating a custom add-on, you can use the “” function to print out the value of a variable or expression. This function is especially useful for debugging add-ons, as it allows you to print out values without having to manually add print statements to your code.
  • Debugging Tools: There are also several debugging tools that you can use to troubleshoot your scripts, such as PyCharm and Eclipse. These tools allow you to set breakpoints, inspect variables, and step through your code line by line, making it easier to identify and fix issues.

Troubleshooting Tips

In addition to using debugging techniques, there are several tips that you can follow to troubleshoot your Python scripts in Blender:

  • Check the Console: If you are having issues with your script, the first thing you should do is check the console for any error messages. These messages can often give you a clue as to what is causing the issue and how to fix it.
  • Check the Documentation: If you are unsure how to use a particular function or class in the Blender Python API, you can check the documentation for more information. The documentation can be found on the Blender website ( and includes detailed descriptions of all of the functions and classes in the API.
  • Ask for Help: If you are stuck and can’t figure out how to fix an issue, don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are many online communities and forums where you can ask for assistance, and you are likely to find someone who can help you solve your problem.


In this chapter, we learned how to debug and troubleshoot Python scripts in Blender

Advanced Techniques for Using Python in Blender

Now that you have a basic understanding of how to use Python in Blender, you can start exploring more advanced techniques for using Python in Blender. In this chapter, we will learn about some of these techniques, including data visualization and animation.

Data Visualization

Python is a powerful tool for data visualization, and Blender provides several ways to use Python for this purpose. For example, you can use Python to create charts and graphs, create 3D models from data sets, and create visualizations of data in real time.

To create charts and graphs in Blender, you can use the “bpy.ops.object.text_add” operator to create text objects, and then use Python to update the text with your data. For example:

import bpy

obj = bpy.ops.object.text_add() = “Hello, World!”

This will create a new text object in the scene with the text “Hello, World!”

You can also use Python to create 3D models from data sets. For example, you can use the “bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add” operator to create a cube, and then use Python to update the cube’s properties based on your data. For example:

import bpy

obj = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add() obj. scale = (1, 2, 3)

This will create a new cube in the scene and scale it according to the values in the “scale” attribute.


A python is also a powerful tool for creating animations in Blender. By using Python to update the properties of objects over time, you can create complex and sophisticated animations.

To create an animation in Blender, you will need to use the “bpy.context.scene.frame_set” function to set the current frame, and then use Python to update the properties of objects in the scene. For example:

import bpy

for i in range(100):


obj.location = (i, 0, 0)

This script will animate the “obj” object by moving it along the x-axis over 100 frames.

In this chapter, we learned about some advanced techniques for using Python in Blender, including data visualization and animation. By using these techniques, you can create complex and sophisticated 3D graphics and animations using Python in Blender.


In this tutorial, we learned how to use Python in Blender for beginners. We started by setting up a Python environment in Blender and then learned how to use the Blender Python API to access and manipulate objects in the scene. We also learned how to create custom scripts and add-ons using Python in Blender and debug and troubleshoot Python scripts in Blender.

Finally, we explored some advanced techniques for using Python in Blender, including data visualization and animation. By following the techniques and examples in this tutorial, you should now have a solid foundation for using Python in Blender and be able to create your custom scripts and add-ons.

Noor Ahmad Haral

Passionate Machine Learning Engineer interested in Tech innovations, GPT, Blogging and writing almost everything.

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